How to make wild animal in Little Alchemy

Welcome to our beginner-friendly guide on to make wild animals in Little Alchemy! This captivating online game sparks your creativity and curiosity as you combine elements to discover new and exciting combinations. In this article, we’ll focus on fascinating world of wild animals and break down process into easy-to-follow steps. Whether you’re newcomer to Little Alchemy or a seasoned player seeking fresh inspiration, this guide is designed to help you unleash your inner alchemist. Let’s embark on this exciting journey and explore the untamed wilderness within the game!

Understanding Little Alchemy Basics

Little Alchemy is a captivating and educational online game that invites players to merge elements and discover intriguing combinations. Before we dive into fascinating process of creating wild animals, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of the game’s core principles. In this section, we will examine the fundamentals of Little Alchemy, encompassing elements, combinations, and crafting.


At the heart of Little Alchemy are the elements. The game begins with four basic elements:


These foundational elements are the building blocks for everything else in the game. As players experiment and combine these elements, they create new ones, which in turn, can be combined further to generate even more complex elements.


Combining elements is primary mechanic of Little Alchemy. The aim is to discover all possible combinations of elements to expand your collection. When you combine two elements, they may create one or multiple new elements, depending on specific combination. For instance, when you combine earth and water, you create mud. Similarly, combining air and water results in creation of rain.

The game offers hundreds of possible combinations, giving players opportunity to explore and experiment endlessly. Some combinations are straightforward and intuitive, while others require bit of creativity and lateral thinking. It’s important to keep in mind that not all combinations will result in new element, but part of fun is discovering which combinations work and which don’t.

Also Read : How to Make Clay In Little Alchemy 2


Crafting is process of combining elements to create new ones. In Little Alchemy, crafting is as simple as dragging and dropping one element onto another in game workspace. As you craft new elements, they’re added to your collection, which is displayed in game’s library.

To concoct more sophisticated elements, like wild animals, players often need to follow sequence of crafting steps. Each step requires the combination of two elements, which then unveils new elements that can be merged further. These series of crafting steps make the game increasingly engaging, as players must strategize and plan their moves to uncover new elements.

How to make wild animal in Little Alchemy

Creating wild animals in Little Alchemy is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. In this section, we’ll guide you through steps needed to bring these untamed creatures to life within the game. We’ve divided the process into three main stages: creating life, creating animals, and finally, crafting wild animals.

Basic Elements Required

To embark on this journey, you’ll need the four basic elements that Little Alchemy begins with:


These primary elements lay the foundation for creating multitude of elements that ultimately lead to the formation of wild animals.

Crafting Wild Animals

Creating Life

First crucial step in crafting wild animals is creating life. To achieve this, follow steps outlined below:

  • Combine air and water to create rain: The mixture of air and water results in rain, an essential element in the formation of life.
  • Combine earth and rain to create a plant: Introducing rain to the earth fosters the growth of plants, another necessary component in our quest.
  • Combine earth and plant to create grass: Combining the earth with plant life produces grass, which plays a vital role in supporting the ecosystem.

Now that you have grass, it’s time to create life. Proceed with following steps:

  • Combine water and earth to create mud: This blend results in the formation of mud, a key element in the emergence of life.
  • Combine mud and plant to create a swamp: Combining mud with plant life creates a swamp, a thriving environment for various life forms.
  • Combine swamp and energy to create life: Finally, adding energy to the swamp environment gives birth to life, which is fundamental for crafting animals.

Creating Animals

With life now present in the game, the next step is to create animals. Follow the steps below to generate animals within Little Alchemy:

  • Combine life and earth to create soil: By introducing life to the earth, you create soil, a fertile ground for further development.
  • Combine soil and water to create clay: Mixing soil with water produces clay, an essential element for crafting animals.
  • Combine clay and life to create human: Combining clay with life results in creation of humans, who are vital in formation of animals.
  • Combine human and animal to create livestock: Mixing human and animal elements gives rise to livestock, which plays a crucial role in developing wild animals.

Creating Wild Animals

Now that you have livestock, you’re ready to craft wild animals. The following steps will guide you through the creation of various wild animals:

  • Combine livestock and grass to create cow: Introducing livestock to grass creates a cow, an essential ingredient for many wild animal combinations.
  • Combine cow and water to create hippopotamus: The combination of cow and water produces hippopotamus, another important wild animal.
  • Combine hippopotamus and time to create elephant: By allowing time to pass, you can transform hippopotamus into an elephant, one of largest wild animals in the game.
  • Combine elephant and air to create bird: Mixing elephant with air results in the creation of a bird, which leads to several other wild animal possibilities.

With these wild animals in your library, you can further explore the combinations and unlock even more wild creatures. For example:

  • Combine bird and earth to create ostrich: Merging a bird with earth gives rise to the ostrich, a unique and fascinating wild animal.
  • Combine bird and water to create duck: Mixing a bird with water results in a duck, a common and easily recognizable wild animal.
  • Combine bird and fire to create phoenix: By combining a bird with fire, you create the mythical and captivating phoenix.
  • Combine bird and air to create eagle: Merging a bird with air gives rise to the majestic eagle, a symbol of power and freedom.
  • Combine elephant and water to create alligator: Combining an elephant with water leads to the creation of the alligator, a fierce and powerful wild animal.
  • Combine elephant and earth to create mammoth: Mixing an elephant with earth produces the prehistoric mammoth, a fascinating extinct creature.
  • Combine hippopotamus and earth to create rhinoceros: By combining hippopotamus with earth, you create the formidable rhinoceros, known for its strength and armor-like skin.
  • Combine a hippopotamus and air to create giraffe: Merging a hippopotamus with air results in the creation of the tall and elegant giraffe.

Additional Wild Animal Recipes

  • Combine bird and ice to create penguin: Merging a bird with ice gives rise to the adorable penguin, a remarkable wild animal that thrives in cold environments.
  • Combine eagle and mountain to create goat: Mixing an eagle with a mountain results in the agile goat, known for its climbing abilities and hardiness.
  • Combine duck and pond to create swan: Combining a duck with a pond leads to the creation of the elegant swan, a symbol of beauty and grace.
  • Combine ostrich and desert to create camel: By combining an ostrich with a desert, you create the resilient camel, a wild animal adapted to arid environments.
  • Combine giraffe and tree to create monkey: Merging a giraffe with a tree results in the playful monkey, a versatile wild animal that inhabits tropical forests.
  • Combine monkey and mountain to create gorilla: Mixing a monkey with a mountain produces the powerful gorilla, an impressive primate species known for its strength.
  • Combine bird and field to create chicken: Combining a bird with a field leads to creation of the chicken, a domesticated bird with wild ancestors.
  • Combine chicken and time to create turkey: By allowing time to pass, you can transform chicken into a turkey, a larger and more robust bird species.
  • Combine cow and time to create bison: By letting time pass while having a cow, you can create the bison, a large, grazing wild animal native to North America.
  • Combine alligator and water to create crocodile: Merging an alligator with water results in the crocodile, another formidable reptile known for its powerful jaws and stealth.
  • Combine rhinoceros and time to create triceratops: Combining a rhinoceros with time gives rise to triceratops, a prehistoric dinosaur with three distinctive horns.
  • Combine elephant and time to create mastodon: Mixing an elephant with time produces the mastodon, another prehistoric ancestor of modern-day elephants.
  • Combine bird and storm to create albatross: Combining a bird with a storm leads to the creation of the albatross, a large seabird with incredible endurance.
  • Combine bird and city to create pigeon: Merging a bird with a city results in the pigeon, a highly adaptable wild bird that has thrived in urban environments.
  • Combine bird and night to create owl: Mixing a bird with night creates the mysterious owl, a nocturnal predator known for its silent flight and acute senses.
  • Combine bird and wind to create hawk: By combining a bird with wind, you create the swift and agile hawk, a skilled aerial hunter.
  • Combine bird and lake to create heron: Merging a bird with a lake gives rise to the heron, a wading bird that feeds in shallow waters.
  • Combine bird and paper to create crane: Combining a bird with paper leads to the creation of the crane, a tall and graceful bird often associated with good fortune.
  • Combine bird and fire to create peacock: Mixing a bird with fire results in peacock, a flamboyant bird known for its stunning iridescent tail feathers.
  • Combine bird and flower to create hummingbird: By combining a bird with a flower, you create hummingbird, a tiny yet remarkable bird capable of hovering in place while feeding on nectar.
  • Combine bird and grass to create sparrow: Merging a bird with grass gives rise to sparrow, a small and adaptable bird found in various habitats.
  • Combine bird and beach to create seagull: Combining a bird with a beach leads to the creation of the seagull, a coastal bird known for its opportunistic feeding habits.
  • Combine bird and river to create kingfisher: Mixing a bird with a river results in the kingfisher, a vibrant, colorful bird that feeds on fish.
  • Combine bird and snow to create snowy owl: By combining a bird with snow, you create the snowy owl, a striking white owl adapted to cold environments.
  • Combine bird and mountain to create condor: Merging a bird with a mountain gives rise to the condor, a large and powerful scavenger that inhabits mountainous regions.
  • Combine bird and sand to create flamingo: Combining a bird with sand leads to creation of the flamingo, a distinctive wading bird known for its long legs and pink feathers.
  • Combine bird and sky to create falcon: Mixing a bird with the sky results in falcon, a speedy and agile bird of prey.
  • Combine bird and forest to create woodpecker: By combining a bird with a forest, you create woodpecker, a unique bird that uses its sharp beak to search for insects in tree bark.
  • Combine bird and swamp to create stork: Merging bird with a swamp gives rise to the stork, a long-legged bird often associated with the delivery of babies.
  • Combine bird and rock to create peregrine falcon: Combining a bird with a rock leads to the creation of the peregrine falcon, a swift and skilled hunter that performs impressive aerial dives.

Tips and Tricks for Success in Little Alchemy

  • Experiment with different combinations: Little Alchemy is all about exploration and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to try various element combinations, even if they seem unlikely. You may be surprised by the results!
  • Use the hints feature: If you’re feeling stuck or unsure of what to combine next, use the in-game hints feature. This useful tool provides guidance and can point you in right direction, allowing you to make progress and discover new elements.
  • Keep track of your discoveries: As unlocked new elements, it’s helpful to keep track of your discoveries. Write them down or use a spreadsheet to record your progress. This way, you can easily refer back to your list when trying to remember which elements you’ve already combined.
  • Start with the basics: When beginning your journey in Little Alchemy, start with four basic elements: air, earth, fire, and water. These fundamental elements lay the foundation for more complex combinations and are crucial to your success in the game.
  • Work systematically: To make the most of your time in Little Alchemy, try to work systematically. Focus on one element at a time, and explore all possible combinations before moving on to next element. This method will help you avoid overlooking potential combinations and ensure that you uncover as many elements as possible.
  • Look for patterns: As you progress in the game, you’ll notice certain patterns emerging. Elements that share common characteristics often produce similar results when combined. For example, combining various animals with water often results in aquatic species. Identifying these patterns can help you predict the outcomes of future combinations and guide your experimentation.
  • Use online resources: If you’re feeling stuck or need some inspiration, consult online resources for help. There are numerous websites, forums, and guides dedicated to Little Alchemy that offer tips, tricks, and complete element lists. Utilize these resources to enhance your gameplay and learn from fellow players.
  • Take breaks: Little Alchemy can be an engrossing game, but it’s essential to take breaks periodically. Stepping away from game for a short while can help clear your mind and provide a fresh perspective when you return.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes: In Little Alchemy, there are no penalties for trying unsuccessful combinations. Embrace trial-and-error process and learn from your mistakes. Each failed combination brings you one step closer to discovering a new element.
  • Share your progress with friends: Little Alchemy is a fun and social game that’s perfect for sharing with friends. Compare your progress with others, exchange tips, and collaborate on discovering new elements. Playing with friends can make game even more enjoyable and rewarding.
  • Set personal goals: To maintain motivation and challenge yourself, set personal goals within the game. For example, aim to discover a specific number of elements in a set time frame or strive to unlock a particular element. Setting goals will help you stay focused and engaged with the game.


In conclusion, Little Alchemy is a captivating and educational game that encourages players to explore and experiment with various element combinations. By following tips and tricks provided in this guide, you’ll enhance your gameplay experience and become master alchemist. Remember, the key to success in Little Alchemy is embracing the spirit of experimentation, learning from mistakes, and enjoying process of discovery. So, keep experimenting, share your progress with friends, and have fun uncovering the vast array of elements and wild animals that this delightful game has to offer. Happy crafting!


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