Create your own mod apk

Do you wonder how some people hack android games and create their modified apk? Let me tell you that they change some internal files after extracting the main Apk. These files are created using some programming languages and people modify/change codes written in these languages. One should have knowledge of these complex programming languages before creating these files.

Below we will describe the easiest way to create your own mod apk without any PC by using a simple app.

Note: You will need a rooted android, not for creating mod apk but to hack in-app purchases of an application.

What is mod apk ?

Apk (Andriod Package Kit )mods are basically the modified version of an original android application. These modifications may be of any type but in this tutorial, let us consider mod apk as a hacked mod apk game which has unlimited resources(e.g. coins and money). In this tutorial, we will learn how to create your own mod apk of almost any game.

Steps to create mod apk game without PC :

In this tutorial, we are going to use an android application called “Lucky Patcher”. Lucky patcher can be used to hack any android game and can also create mod apk files. We are also gonna use subway surfer android game as an example and we will create mod apk of the same game.

  1. Firstly Download and install lucky patcher(You will not find lucky patcher on play store you have to google it). Lucky patcher will ask for superuser permissions, grant it.
  2. Install the original game that you want to create modified apk. (I am installing Subway surfer in my example)
  3. Now open lucky patcher app and it will list all the applications installed on your phone.
  4. Choose and click on the android application whose mod apk you want to create.
  5. It will display a number of options but click on “Menu of patches”.how to mod apk without pc
  6. Inside this, you will find an option named as ” Create modified apk file”. This is the option which we are gonna explore in detail. Under the option ” create modified apk ” you will find some options which are listed below :how to mod apk without pc
  • APK with multipatch
  • Custom Patch-applied APK
  • APK without license verification
  • APK without google ads
  • APK rebuilt for InApp and LVL emulation
  • APK with modified permissions and activities
  • Resign with test signatures.

APK with multipatch

This option lets you create a modified apk file with more than one patch. For example, you can create a mod with the custom patch as well as removed license verification and support for in-app and LVL emulation. This method can simultaneously apply all the patches which we have listed below.

Custom Patch-applied APKhow to mod apk without pc

This is the coolest part that I found in this app. There are custom patches for almost every app. Custom patches are the scripts which are made for a specific app and by patching these scripts one can easily get the android apk modded. These patches are developed by open developer and are different for each app.

  1. When you will click on this option you will see a list of custom patches available.
  2. Just select the custom patch after reading its features and click the “Patch” button.
  3. On next screen click “Rebuilt this app”.
  4. It will process the app and will show you a success message.
  5. To find the location of your modified apk click “browse” and it will show you the folder where your mod apk is saved.

Apk without license verificationhow to mod apk without pc

Every paid app on google play store comes with license verification. License is a code inside the paid android app which confirms whether you have actually purchased that app or not. When you install a paid android app it confirms through your google account that whether you have paid for this app or not. If the license verification fails then you won’t be able to use that particular application. Modded apk created through this method will bypass the license verification of app and will send a false verification to that app. After clicking on this menu you will see the following options :

Auto mod: This is the most simple and automatic license verification removing method.

Auto mod (Inversed): Try this if the above method doesn’t work

Other Patches (Extreme mod!): These are the additional patches which can be used if the above methods fail. This needs an active internet connection to download custom patches

Auto mod (Amazon market): This option removes the license verification of apps which are installed from the amazon market.

Auto mod (SamsungApps): This option removes the license verification of apps which are installed from the samsungApps.

Remove dependencies: Some apps depend upon other apps in order to work properly. For example, “google maps “need “google play services” in order to work. This patch removes the dependency of an app on another.

After selecting any method from above click on the rebuilt apk button and after successful completion click on ” browse “button to know the location where the mod apk saved.

APK without google adshow to mod apk without pc

Sometimes seeing google ads in the android application may be so much frustrating. And this option lets you create mod apk from mobile without any google ads inside it. When you will click on this option it will further give you the following options.

Remove links from APK: This patch removes all HTML links which are present inside an android application

Minimize ads size: This patch makes the ads size smaller so that it takes less space of the screen

Resizing ads to Null/Zero: This patch resizes the ads to zero sizes which makes them literally invisible.

Corrupt the ad receiver: It directly attacks the google ad serving systems and attempts to disable their ad serving services.

Black rectangle: This patch covers the ad banners with a black strip over them.

Offline patch: This patch simulates the app that the internet connection of the mobile phone is not active.

Other Patches: These are the additional patches which lucky patcher applies to the application in order to increase the chances of getting successful.  This option should be used when all the above methods fail to remove the ads.

Remove dependencies: This patch is used to remove the dependency of an app on others, I already explained this option above.

Make fully offline: This patch forces the android application to work in an offline environment without any data connection.

APK rebuilt for in-app and LVL emulation(Unlimited resources)

This method of creating mod apk is my favorite. Using this type of mod one can easily bypass the in-app purchases of android application. Under this menu, we have three types of patch available. After selecting the appropriate patch click on Rebuilt the app and check the location where the mod app is stored.

We have already covered the method of hacking in-app purchases of android application for unlimited free resources. For a detailed guide, you can follow this tutorial on how to use lucky patcher for in-app purchases.

APK with modified permissions and activitieshow to mod apk without pc

This type of patch is extremely useful in changing the permission of the android app. In android OS every app has a set of permission which should be granted by the user in order to make that app work properly. There are some permission which user don’t want to allow. For example, Truecaller apps collect user’s contact info. When you will click on this patch it will list all permission in green fonts which the app currently has. When someone clicks on specific permission it turns into red stating that the app doesn’t have access to that particular permission. After enabling and disabling various permission simply click the button “rebuilt this apk” and you will get your modded apk.

Resign with Test signatures

This is the final and most important thing which must be done after patching the android application. Android signature is a certificate which is different for each app and developer. Resigning an app will allow users to install the android application as an update over an already installed android application without any issues. When apk file is installed from third-party sources other than google play store, Android system tries to identify and match the signatures with the signatures of already installed application, if the signature doesn’t match with the original apk then the installation will be aborted.

After doing this complimentary step you have successfully made your own mod apk.









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